Gary Atkinson

The Gary Atkinson Imagine Scholarship

The Scholarship

Named in honor of Gary Atkinson, an LHS Class of ‘73 graduate and our valedictorian, "The Gary Atkinson Imagine Scholarship" is awarded annually to a promising Ledyard High School graduating senior.

Contemplating our fiftieth reunion in 2023, surviving members of LHS Class of ‘73 established the Scholarship also to meaningfully show our appreciation for LHS itself—the place where we all grew and learned together, something that was important to Gary, who was also the Student Council President. In doing so, our class wishes to honor our fallen classmate, who was tragically taken from us altogether too early. Gary, along with his wife Judy were among the 270 victims that perished on Dec. 21, 1988 in Pan Am Flight 103 that exploded through terrorism over Lockerbie, Scotland.

The Scholarship's goal is to financially support those who exemplify Gary's many virtues as outlined in the Recipient Selection Criteria.

The inclusion of “Imagine” in the scholarship name, incorporates the scholarship founders' wish to highlight the sentiment Gary exemplified of leaning toward a world where "we all live as one" as advocated by John Lennon's song by that name, released during Gary's era.

Scholarship Amount
When will the next scholarship be awarded?
June 3, 2025

About William G. Atkinson, III

After graduating from Ledyard High, Gary went to Washington University where he was honored with a four-year Engineering fellowship. Graduating with honors in civil engineering, he did his graduate work in construction management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his father’s alma mater.
He worked in Boston for the Beacon Companies on such notable projects as the Meridien hotel, One Post Office Square, and the Boston Harbor Hotel. He married Judy in May of 88 and they lived and worked in London. Gary was a Project Executive at Olympia & York for the Canary Wharf Complex there. They were returning to the states to visit relatives in Connecticut when they were killed in the bombing of PanAm flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Described by his family as a “born leader”, as a youth Gary was involved in scouting, student council, and school stage productions. He was voted by his classmates as Most Likely to Succeed, Most Intellectual, and Contributed Most to Ledyard High School. He gave the valedictory address at his graduation. As an adult, he participated avidly in sailing, skiing, and cycling. Gary was interested in everything, and in his zest for life belonged to the Fine Arts Museum, attended Boston Symphony concerts, and traveled to Europe, Japan, and throughout the United States.
Gary and Gerry at NMSC Semi-finals

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100% of donations go to the Gary Atkinson Imagine Scholarship Fund, supporting graduating LHS seniors selected based on who most embodies LHS '73 Valedictorian, Gary Atkinson's virtues .

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